Enable HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) in IIS 7

IIS has the ability to add custom headers to responses. This would seem to be the easiest way to go about it. According to the documentation on IIS.net you can add these headers through IIS Manager: In the Connections pane, go to the site, application, or directory for which you want to set a custom … Read more

Bad Request – Invalid Hostname IIS7

Did you check the binding is IIS? (inetmgr.exe) It may not be registered to accept all hostnames on 8080. For example, if you set it up for mysite.com:8080 and hit it at localhost:8080, IIS will get the request but not have a hostname binding to match so it rejects. Outside of that, you should check … Read more

System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Access is denied Error

Make sure your application pool identity account on your server has permissions to start that service. It works on your ASP.NET Development Server because it runs under your user account (admin) In a default IIS configuration, this account is Network service or ApplicationPoolIdentity (depending on IIS version) and usually cannot manage services. So, change the … Read more