Author info does not show up when author has no posts
Author info does not show up when author has no posts
Author info does not show up when author has no posts
I had a answer in development then I read what you were looking for some more. I will need more info before I can help. Is a reviewer/speaker a custom post type or a user? Is this relationship only going to be displayed on the article. Or will you also be displaying it on the … Read more
Edit each user via the Admin pages. Change the “Nickname” field to what you want to appear. Then use the “Display Name Publicly As” dropdown to select the nickname. Do this for each user.
I found a correct answer. I ended by adding custom fields (translators, reviewers …) with the ACF plugin. Example: Field Label: Translators Field Name: translators Field type: Relational (user) Field Type: multi-select .. However, this will make the table wp_postmeta very huge, as my website will contain a large number of posts.
I am unfamiliar with the original. They may also have something similar to the new “Co-Authors Plus”. You would need to review that code for “apply_filters”, “add_actions” or just global functions like those in “Co-Authors Plus”. Meanwhile, you might investigate migrating to the new version of “Co-Authors Plus”. They offer a template tag, and pretty … Read more
Get top authors for the last 30 days with posts count and avatar
solved using for loop instead of foreach: function inl_users() { if ( function_exists( ‘get_coauthors’ ) ) { $coauthors = get_coauthors(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($coauthors); $i++){ $autArray[] = ‘<a href=” get_author_posts_url( $coauthors[$i]->ID ) .”>’ . $coauthors[$i]->display_name . ‘</a>’; } echo implode(“, “, $autArray); } does anoyone know why?
You can have as many authors as you’d like. If the artists are not the authors of the blog posts, I would consider using a custom taxonomy instead, because it would be a more accurate model. EDIT As it’s been pointed out in the comments, taxonomies don’t have built-in meta data, and custom post types … Read more
Well, you can try my plugin ;), but almost every SEO plugin includes this functionality now, and there are several plugins which are kind of dedicated to it. If you want to code it yourself for whatever reason, all you need is basically to add a field in the user profile admin page in which … Read more
You could try the following SQL query: “SELECT DISTINCT post_author FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_author NOT IN (1,3,4)” to exclude authors 1,3 and 4. In general it would be more handy to retrieve the user ids automatically, so you wouldn’t need to update your SQL query every time you want to exclude someone. You could for … Read more