Parsing JSON string in Java

See my comment. You need to include the full org.json library when running as android.jar only contains stubs to compile against. In addition, you must remove the two instances of extra } in your JSON data following longitude. Apart from that, geodata is in fact not a JSONObject but a JSONArray. Here is the fully … Read more

How to parse in C

With a function to read lines from a file, such as get_line (POSIX), or this portable read_line function that I just wrote for this, you can then split the line into tokens using strtok with the delimiter set to “;” (make sure to remove the trailing \n from the line first). You can then copy each token into the relevant array. However, as your file format is … Read more

AttributeError: ‘float’ object has no attribute ‘split’4

You are right, such errors mostly caused by NaN representing empty cells. It is common to filter out such data, before applying your further operations, using this idiom on your dataframe df: Alternatively, it may be more handy to use fillna() method to impute (to replace) null values with something default. E.g. all null or NaN‘s can be replaced with the average … Read more

How do I check if a C++ std::string starts with a certain string, and convert a substring to an int?

Use rfind overload that takes the search position pos parameter, and pass zero for it: Who needs anything else? Pure STL! Many have misread this to mean “search backwards through the whole string looking for the prefix”. That would give the wrong result (e.g. string(“tititito”).rfind(“titi”) returns 2 so when compared against == 0 would return false) and it would be inefficient (looking through … Read more

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in php

You have to use your escape characters correctly. You can’t have a single-quote (‘) inside of a single-quote-encapsulated string. It breaks it. In order to continue the string and have PHP interpret your inner single-quote literally, you have to escape it with \. Or you can use the alternative string encapsulator, double-quote (“). For future reference, Parse … Read more

How to read json file into java with simple JSON library

I want to read this JSON file with java using json simple library. My JSON file looks like this: This is the java code I wrote to read this file: But I get the following exception: Exception in thread “main” java.lang.ClassCastException: org.json.simple.JSONArray cannot be cast to org.json.simple.JSONObject at javaapplication1.JavaApplication1.main( Can somebody tell me what I … Read more