After Import: Insert “Use” Statement in Database

It appears, at least in cPanel, the lines in question were not required in the export, with the unsurprising consequence of the other encapsulated sql statements defaulting to reference the current database only. Turns out to be convenient when more than one database is configured, so long as there are no statements that select objects … Read more

How to set autoload from “yes” to “no” _transient_wp_core_block_css_files

Don’t bother messing the with autoload on the transient. If you’re truly not using blocks at all, just unhook the function that creates the transient and uses it to register the style handles: remove_action( ‘init’, ‘register_core_block_style_handles’, 9 ); Just be aware that if you do use blocks, their stylesheets will not load until you let … Read more

How to use phpspreadsheet reader with $wpdb

I’m assuming you mean this PhpSpreadsheet; if not, please edit your question to clarify. To incorporate any third-party PHP library into your WordPress site, you’ll either need to write a plugin or find one that already does what you need. The PhpSpreadsheet docs explain how you’d incorporate their library into any PHP application, which includes … Read more

Cannot login to WordPress admin after update

Upgrade your PHP version to 7.2. If that gives you access, update all themees/plugins and WP to latest versions. (PHP version updates done through your hosting Control Panel. Your hosting place should have help docs on how to set your PHP version.) Test those upgrades, then upgrade PHP to version 8.x. There are major security … Read more
