Beginner question: Accessing js script in plugin
Beginner question: Accessing js script in plugin
Beginner question: Accessing js script in plugin
With help from a dev at WordPress Questions I got this solved. In wp-content/plugins/cforms/cforms.php we added require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php’); which loaded all the necessary data from the folder html2pdf which has all the files based on code from Further in the same file after $newcontent .= substr($content,$last); we have code to pdfy the code: … Read more
add_option() and update_option() are the functions to save data in wp_options table. Check in your plugin code whether this function saving ‘cforms_settings’ or not
I found it. Under the Core Form Admin sections in the options, there’s an option called Use custom input fields names & ids, with the following note: This feature replaces the default NAMEs/IDs (e.g. cf_field_12) with custom ones, either derived from the field label you have provided or by specifically declaring it via [id:XYZ],e.g. Your … Read more
In the main cforms plugin folder, find the file called my-functions.php. You can add functions to that file as needed. Its pretty well-commented. What you want to do is add a function called my_cforms_logic or my_cforms_action, which get triggered at several different hooks during form submission and processing. According to the docs, you can move … Read more
By replacing of all the serialised data I had backed up in the row with key cforms_settings I managed to get the form presets back. The plugin accepted this and worked as before. Life is beautiful.
When it runs, check the $setting argument thats passed to the function. my_cforms_logic gets called on several different hooks, some of which run almost simultaneously. ### ### Your custom application logic features ### ### “successMessage” $cformsdata = cforms datablock ### “redirection” $cformsdata = cforms datablock ### “filename” $cformsdata = $_REQUEST ### “adminTO” $cformsdata = cforms … Read more
The cforms WordPress Plugin you’re using is not properly sanitizing input variables prior use, that’s why you get the warnings. You can either fix the problem your own if you’re a coder, or report the issue to the plugin author and discuss if she can fix it. But from what I googled, there is another … Read more
Note that cForms is hooking into wp_head, and you’re attempting to hook into wp_enqueue_scripts. The wp_enqueue_scripts hook is fired inside the wp_head hook (at priority 0, IIRC). So, your stylesheet is being enqueued at wp_head, priority 0, and the cForms stylesheet is being enqueued at wp_head, priority 10. Since it outputs later, it is taking … Read more