How does WordPress know when there are plugin updates?
How does WordPress know when there are plugin updates?
How does WordPress know when there are plugin updates?
Problem solved. I was doing something dumb when I was testing the update process – uploading a zipped version of an earlier tagged release of the plugin, so that the tag ‘1.2.3’ was being appended to the file name. When I remove the tag from the file name, everything works like it should. Programming is … Read more
To be able to approve your own plugin translations you have to post in the Polyglots site: a message like this: “Hello, I’m the author of the {insert plugin name and a link} plugin. Could you allow me to approve translations in my native language (es_ES), please?” And select “Editor Request” in the “Post … Read more
See Task 3: “Tagging” a new version:
what’s the best way to go about editing commit messages? Don’t worry about it, don’t make such mistake in future “ask the administrator to create a pre-revprop-change hook”
Use this URL format for checkout (if using TortoiseSVN, just right click and do checkout from Explorer): You will need to use your username/password for WordPress (the account used to publish the plugin) to do any commits. Command line instructions are available direct from WordPress here:
A readme update may take a week or more. Sometimes it helps to update just the readme file again. The Last Updated field is … dead. One of my plugins still shows the date 2010-12-24, but I had three updates in the mean time, the last one a week ago. The whole system feels like … Read more
WordPress knows about the versions running on websites where where wp,plugin and theme version checks have not been disabled programmatically (there is no setting to disable,this has to be done by php code in plugin or theme if one wants to do it). The existing version of wp, plugins and themes is passed to … Read more
Comparing how your plugin is diplayed with your neighbour on the list here, they have 2 images on the CSS inline script, and yours only show one, the other background image url being empty. Yours: background-image: url(//×256.png?rev=1110269 background-image: url() Theirs: background-image: url(//×128.png?rev=1082746 background-image: url(//×256.png?rev=1082746 If you are sure you uploaded that 128px image, in … Read more
For now you can use an SVN checkout from Please see: (I’ve passed the suggestion to the WordPress meta team) Here’s the ticket url: