IOError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe when piping: ` | othercmd`

I haven’t reproduced the issue, but perhaps this method would solve it: (writing line by line to stdout rather than using print) You could catch the broken pipe? This writes the file to stdout line by line until the pipe is closed. You also need to make sure that othercommand is reading from the pipe before it gets too big –

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred

Currently, you having an issue with raising the ValueError exception inside another caught exception. The reasoning for this solution doesn’t make much sense to me but if you change To Making your end code. You should get the desired result of catching an exception. e.g. Sorry I can’t give you an explanation why this works specifically but … Read more

TypeError: got multiple values for argument

This happens when a keyword argument is specified that overwrites a positional argument. For example, let’s imagine a function that draws a colored box. The function selects the color to be used and delegates the drawing of the box to another function, relaying all extra arguments. Then the call will fail because two values are … Read more

Python can’t find file

I am having great difficulty getting python 3.4 to recognize a path or text file on a windows 8 system. I have tried a variety of different approaches but get the similar errors (which likely implies something simple regarding the syntax). The file itself is located in the same folder as the script file trying … Read more