WordPress (GoDaddy: Linux w/cPanel (Apache))_ My 2nd site is FUBAR__ subdomain multisite network installation

Issue half resolved… Full resolution by me alone is probably not possible but I think I know what needs to be done. Partially resolved part After adding a new site in WordPress Admin and adding that site url to the cPanel “subdomains”; I: Could ping subsite.domainName.xyz Could not access the WP dashboard of subSite. Received … Read more

How do I change the default index page in Apache?

I recommend using .htaccess. You only need to add: or whatever page name you want to have for it. EDIT: basic htaccess tutorial. 1) Create .htaccess file in the directory where you want to change the index file. no extension . in front, to ensure it is a “hidden” file Enter the line above in there. There will likely … Read more

Iterator Loop vs index loop

The special thing about iterators is that they provide the glue between algorithms and containers. For generic code, the recommendation would be to use a combination of STL algorithms (e.g. find, sort, remove, copy) etc. that carries out the computation that you have in mind on your data structure (vector, list, map etc.), and to supply that algorithm with iterators into your container. … Read more