WordPress – Display Random Number Between 190-250

The way I would accomplish this is with a shortcode, like this: Putting that code in your theme’s functions.php file would allow you to enter “Today I had [random_number] Coffees.” and display a random number between 190 and 250. It’s also flexible; you can do something like [random_number min=”1″ max=”10″] to get a random number between 1 … Read more

How to use random() in C [duplicate]

So I am currently learning C, and I have some confusion about how the random() function works. I know I have to provide a seed, but I don’t know how to actually generate the random number. When I try this it gives me a compiler error: The end goal is to get a random number … Read more

Best way to randomize an array with .NET

If you’re on .NET 3.5, you can use the following IEnumerable coolness: Edit: and here’s the corresponding VB.NET code: Second edit, in response to remarks that System.Random “isn’t threadsafe” and “only suitable for toy apps” due to returning a time-based sequence: as used in my example, Random() is perfectly thread-safe, unless you’re allowing the routine … Read more

Weighted random numbers

There is a straightforward algorithm for picking an item at random, where items have individual weights: 1) calculate the sum of all the weights 2) pick a random number that is 0 or greater and is less than the sum of the weights 3) go through the items one at a time, subtracting their weight … Read more

How can I generate random alphanumeric strings?

I heard LINQ is the new black, so here’s my attempt using LINQ: (Note: The use of the Random class makes this unsuitable for anything security related, such as creating passwords or tokens. Use the RNGCryptoServiceProvider class if you need a strong random number generator.)

Random word generator- Python

Reading a local word list If you’re doing this repeatedly, I would download it locally and pull from the local file. *nix users can use /usr/share/dict/words. Example: Pulling from a remote dictionary If you want to pull from a remote dictionary, here are a couple of ways. The requests library makes this really easy (you’ll … Read more