Unable to load script from assets index.android.bundle on windows

I’ve encountered the same issue while following the React Native tutorial (developing on Linux and targeting Android). This issue helped me resolve the problem in following steps. (in project directory) mkdir android/app/src/main/assets react-native bundle –platform android –dev false –entry-file index.js –bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/index.android.bundle –assets-dest android/app/src/main/res react-native run-android You can automate the above steps by placing them … Read more

TypeError: Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance

This is because it is a runtime error, not a “compile time” error. Is there a line number associated with the error? Based on the question being about the spread operator I’ll assume it’s this line: newArticlesData=[…prevData,…response.data]. I assume your prevData is iterable, but is your response data? Try newArticlesData=[…prevData, response.data]? Here’s an example of invalid spread operator use: