Responsive font size in CSS

The font-size won’t respond like this when resizing the browser window. Instead they respond to the browser zoom/type size settings, such as if you press Ctrl and + together on the keyboard while in the browser. Media Queries You would have to look at using media queries to reduce the font-size at certain intervals where it starts breaking your design and creating scrollbars. … Read more

What is the difference among col-lg-*, col-md-* and col-sm-* in Bootstrap?

Bootstrap 5 In Bootstrap 5 (alpha) there is a new -xxl- size: col-* – 0 (xs)col-sm-* – 576pxcol-md-* – 768pxcol-lg-* – 992pxcol-xl-* – 1200pxcol-xxl-* – 1400px Bootstrap 5 Grid Demo Bootstrap 4 In Bootstrap 4 there is a new -xl- size, see this demo. Also the -xs- infix has been removed, so smallest columns are simply col-1, col-2.. col-12, etc.. col-* – 0 (xs)col-sm-* – 576pxcol-md-* – 768pxcol-lg-* – 992pxcol-xl-* – 1200px Bootstrap 4 Grid Demo Additionally, Bootstrap 4 includes … Read more