What is the difference between CSS and SCSS?

In addition to Idriss answer: CSS In CSS we write code as depicted bellow, in full length. SCSS In SCSS we can shorten this code using a @mixin so we don’t have to write color and width properties again and again. We can define this through a function, similarly to PHP or other languages. SASS … Read more

Converts scss to css [closed]

If you click on the title CSS (SCSS) in CodePen (don’t change the pre-processor with the gear) it will switch to the compiled CSS view.

What’s the difference between SCSS and Sass?

Sass is a CSS pre-processor with syntax advancements. Style sheets in the advanced syntax are processed by the program, and turned into regular CSS style sheets. However, they do not extend the CSS standard itself. CSS variables are supported and can be utilized but not as well as pre-processor variables. For the difference between SCSS … Read more