$_SESSION dosent’t work
$_SESSION dosent’t work
$_SESSION dosent’t work
Suddenly sessions and header location not working
determine active user browser at the same time
How to transfer session after being redirected to other page
Note, Session must start before header is sent. So you should try – <?php if( !session_id() ){ if( headers_sent() ){ die(‘headers already sent, cant start session’); } else{ session_start(); } } // check existence, or not below 1 if( !isset($_SESSION[‘impression’]) || $_SESSION[‘impression’] < 1 ){ $_SESSION[‘impression’] = 100; } // decrease the value by one … Read more
First answer this question: Why bypass the WordPress login/auth system? What’s the end-game here? I would highly recommend against using PHP sessions to maintain user state in the WordPress world. More likely than not, a cookie will be sufficient. For using cookies, you can use the PHP setcookie() function to set cookies, and the $_COOKIE … Read more
Have you started here in the Codex (always a good place to go): https://codex.wordpress.org/Customizing_the_Login_Form . Lots of help there (and in links therein) on how to customize the login form. And, lots of tutorials found via the googles. Your code is assuming a lot of things that aren’t true. Forms in WP are different than … Read more
Yes, you must use a small change for use session in WordPress. if ( ! session_id() ) session_start(); Better you use a custom function function my_start_session() { @session_cache_limiter(‘private, must-revalidate’); //private_no_expire @session_cache_expire(0); @session_start(); } *Please edit, I write from a mobile
This will log a user out of all other sessions before logging in. Essentially ensuring that a user will only be allowed one session at a time. add_filter(‘authenticate’, ‘wpse_12282015_single_login_authenticate’, 0, 3); function wpse_12282015_single_login_authenticate($user, $username, $password) { $user = get_user_by(‘login’, $username); if( isset($user->ID) ){ if(isset($user->roles) && is_array($user->roles)) { //check for admins if(in_array(‘administrator’, $user->roles)) { // admin … Read more
It is relatively simple. I’ve giving you a few steps. User visits your site and hit ‘Add to basket’ on an event. You need to send this data to server (as you wanted to store in php session). you can submit a form (for simplicity) either in synchronously or asynchronously (ajax). You need to submit … Read more