Do I need to be selective about where I search and replace when pointing a domain to a subfolder used for development?

In general you should always develop under the final URL the site is going to be located in, if you are going to put content or anything else which contains URLs ad part of the development. Not sure what gave you the idea that you can just search replace things in the DB and it … Read more

How many WP websites can go on one shared hosting account?

Number of installs is not determined by WordPress, it is determined purely by hosting resources and policies. From personal experience even one blog with 1k daily visits can border overusing CPU quotas on crappy shared hosting with overstuffed server. If you want to force this through – request specific resource usage policies and hard numbers … Read more

What is the importance of mod_rewrite?

the Redirect directive is part of Apache’s mod_alias, not mod_rewrite. mod_rewrite enables “pretty” permalinks, ie: rather than “ugly” permalinks ie: WordPress will operate just fine without mod_rewrite and pretty permalinks, it’s just not as attractive or SEO friendly.