What is a “meta component” in the context of bootstrap or as a general web design term?

meta component is a component that consists some other components , for example bootstrap navbar consists navbar container , navbar header and navbar collapse. In other words meta components is a collection of other components and have no special feature for themselves in most cases. see the following link it may help. https://bootstrapious.com/p/bootstrap-navbar

What is the meaning of “exclusive” and “inclusive” when describing number ranges?

The following function prints the powers of 2 from 1 through n (inclusive). This means that the function will compute 2^i where i = 1, 2, …, n, in other words, i can have values from 1 up to and including the value n. i.e n is Included in Inclusive If, on the other hand, your book had said: The following function prints the powers of … Read more

What is spaghetti code?

To me, a more modern example of spaghetti code is when you have 20 dlls and every DLL references each other in one way or another. Your dependency graph looks like a huge blob, and your code hops all over the place with no real order. Everything is inter-dependent.

What is the difference between memoization and dynamic programming?

Relevant article on Programming.Guide: Dynamic programming vs memoization vs tabulation What is difference between memoization and dynamic programming? Memoization is a term describing an optimization technique where you cache previously computed results, and return the cached result when the same computation is needed again. Dynamic programming is a technique for solving problems of recursive nature, iteratively and is … Read more

What is “runtime”?

Runtime describes software/instructions that are executed while your program is running, especially those instructions that you did not write explicitly, but are necessary for the proper execution of your code. Low-level languages like C have very small (if any) runtime. More complex languages like Objective-C, which allows for dynamic message passing, have a much more extensive runtime. … Read more