What is an anti-pattern?

Anti-patterns are certain patterns in software development that are considered bad programming practices. As opposed to design patterns which are common approaches to common problems which have been formalized and are generally considered a good development practice, anti-patterns are the opposite and are undesirable. For example, in object-oriented programming, the idea is to separate the software into small … Read more

What is spaghetti code?

To me, a more modern example of spaghetti code is when you have 20 dlls and every DLL references each other in one way or another. Your dependency graph looks like a huge blob, and your code hops all over the place with no real order. Everything is inter-dependent.

What is “runtime”?

Runtime describes software/instructions that are executed while your program is running, especially those instructions that you did not write explicitly, but are necessary for the proper execution of your code. Low-level languages like C have very small (if any) runtime. More complex languages like Objective-C, which allows for dynamic message passing, have a much more extensive runtime. … Read more