stack around the variable…was corrupted

Why did you declare you character buffer a size of 20? More than likely the sprintf placed more characters than that can fit in myChar. Instead, use safer constructs such as std::ostringstream or at the very least, declare you char arrays much bigger than you would expect (not the best way, but would at least … Read more

Generic stack implementation

The underlying issue is type erasure. The relevant implications of this means that an instance of the Stack class doesn’t know it’s type arguments at run-time. This is the reason why you can’t just use the most natural solution here, array = new T[maxSize]. You’ve tried to work around this by creating an array using … Read more

Does stack grow upward or downward?

The behavior of stack (growing up or growing down) depends on the application binary interface (ABI) and how the call stack (aka activation record) is organized. Throughout its lifetime a program is bound to communicate with other programs like OS. ABI determines how a program can communicate with another program. The stack for different architectures … Read more

Printing the stack values in Java

In Java, I want to print the contents of a Stack. The toString() method prints them encased in square brackets delimited by commas: [foo, bar, baz]. How do I get rid of them and print the variables only? My code so far: This answer worked for me: Use the toString method on the Stack, and … Read more

Why I do get “Cannot find bound of current function” when I overwrite the ret address of a vulnerable program?

The debugger has knowledge about where the code for functions in your program begin and end, either because this information is provided in debugging data or because it uses any external symbols visible in the executable to provide rudimentary information. When the stack is in a proper state, it contains a return address to the … Read more

Postfix Calculator Java

Ok so I have to read in a postfix expression from a file. The postfix expression must have spaces to separate each operator or operand. What I have so far works only if there is no spaces between the operators or operands in the input file. (i.e. if the file has 12+ the result I … Read more