Theme.json_ Set default columns for gallery
Theme.json_ Set default columns for gallery
Theme.json_ Set default columns for gallery
Can nobody help here? Or is the question not understandable? I’ve already tried clamp and min/max, but can’t find a solution.
Unfortunately, this is not yet possible. This has been requested at and if you have a github account, you can subscribe to the issue and keep track of its progress.
Use a Global Styles Filter to override the style: add_filter( ‘wp_theme_json_data_default’, function ( $theme_json ){ $new_data = array( ‘version’ => 2, ‘styles’ => [ ‘blocks’ => [ ‘core/embed’ => [ ‘spacing’ => [ ‘margin’ => [ ‘top’ => ‘2rem’ ] ] ] ] ] ); return $theme_json->update_with( $new_data ); }); An alternative that may also … Read more
They’re defined the same way they always have been, in a CSS file. Do what styling you can using the block editor and theme.json then supplement it with additional CSS in a CSS file. You can enqueue it the same was as a classic theme in functions.php, and if it’s a minor change there’s a … Read more
In my case the theme.json was set up correctly and behaving properly. There was an errant editor stylesheet being loaded that shouldn’t have been there adding font-family:sans-serif; to .editor-styles-wrapper which was overriding the the “var(–wp–preset–font-family–greyclif)” declaration.
When you make modifications to templates the new HTML of the template is saved as a custom post type with the wp_template post type. This is then used instead of the version stored in the theme directory. The same is true template parts, except the post type for those is wp_template_part. When you modify global … Read more
@TomJNowell – Thanks for this detail info, clarification and advice. I didn’t know about the new debug constant so will learn how to utilize that, and will use a child theme. I wasn’t able to fix this issue, so I spun up a new server and my font updates worked. So I’ll just abandon the … Read more
where the setting is stored in FSE, not theme.json
Gutenberg – Shadow settings not available (theme.json)