How to create an accurate timer in javascript?

Why is it not accurate? Because you are using setTimeout() or setInterval(). They cannot be trusted, there are no accuracy guarantees for them. They are allowed to lag arbitrarily, and they do not keep a constant pace but tend to drift (as you have observed). How can I create an accurate timer? Use the Date object instead to get the (millisecond-)accurate, current time. Then base … Read more

How to delete last item in list?

If I understood the question correctly, you can use the slicing notation to keep everything except the last item: But a better way is to delete the item directly: Note 1: Note that using record = record[:-1] does not really remove the last element, but assign the sublist to record. This makes a difference if … Read more

Current time formatting with Javascript

A JavaScript Date has several methods allowing you to extract its parts: getFullYear() – Returns the 4-digit yeargetMonth() – Returns a zero-based integer (0-11) representing the month of the year.getDate() – Returns the day of the month (1-31).getDay() – Returns the day of the week (0-6). 0 is Sunday, 6 is Saturday.getHours() – Returns the hour of the day (0-23).getMinutes() – … Read more

Add days to JavaScript Date

You can create one with:- This takes care of automatically incrementing the month if necessary. For example: 8/31 + 1 day will become 9/1. The problem with using setDate directly is that it’s a mutator and that sort of thing is best avoided. ECMA saw fit to treat Date as a mutable class rather than an immutable structure.

Lua Program Delay

The os.clock function returns the number of seconds of CPU time for the program. So the sleep function of yours waits for n seconds, if you need to delay 2 minutes, just call: Note that there are some better solutions to implement sleep functions other than busy waiting, see Sleep Function for detail.