Java string to date conversion

That’s the hard way, and those java.util.Date setter methods have been deprecated since Java 1.1 (1997). Moreover, the whole java.util.Date class was de-facto deprecated (discommended) since introduction of java.time API in Java 8 (2014). Simply format the date using DateTimeFormatter with a pattern matching the input string (the tutorial is available here). In your specific case of “January 2, 2010” as the input … Read more

how to sort pandas dataframe from one column

Use sort_values to sort the df by a specific column’s values: If you want to sort by two columns, pass a list of column labels to sort_values with the column labels ordered according to sort priority. If you use df.sort_values([‘2’, ‘0’]), the result would be sorted by column 2 then column 0. Granted, this does not really make sense for this example because … Read more