Change displayed timezone SMT by SGT in WordPress
Change displayed timezone SMT by SGT in WordPress
Change displayed timezone SMT by SGT in WordPress
About Timezone And Post Ranking
date_default_timezone_set can alter the output of a new DateTime. Not sure how it will affect get_the_time. $date = new DateTime( get_the_time(‘c’) ); $date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(‘Europe/Warsaw’)); echo $date->format(‘c’); $date = new DateTime(); echo $date->format(‘c’); // 2015-12-18T18:21:31+00:00 $date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(‘Europe/Warsaw’)); echo $date->format(‘c’); // 2015-12-18T19:21:31+01:00 date_default_timezone_set(‘Europe/Warsaw’); $date = new DateTime(); echo $date->format(‘c’); // 2015-12-18T19:21:31+01:00
The post_date is the post_date_gmt after the Timezone value (in Settings) has been applied. So, if you like, the reasoning is that there’s a standard time for everybody, and then your own site’s time depending on your Settings, so say you want to change that later, the standard time is always left untouched.
Quoting from How to get WordPress Time Zone setting? you can set the option ‘gmt_offset’ with the appropriate offset from UTC. You should add the option to control it only in you site creation form. If you put it also on user which registers to an existing site (like the main site) users will be … Read more
Alright. I think I cracked it. <dateTime.iso8601>20140111T20:39:15</dateTime.iso8601> Should be: <dateTime.iso8601>20140111T20:39:15Z</dateTime.iso8601> Looks like the toolkit I was using didn’t quite implement iso8601 perfectly (or wordpress isn’t – not sure). I’m using Node WordPress and tracked down that it uses the module Node XML RPC to actually send the XML RPC. This seems to be where the … Read more
Use current_time to output the time based on the timezone set on the blog’s General Settings page.
Please use DateTime::getTimestamp() that returns unix timestamp. If you want to format the date according to your time zone then you try this. $datetime = new DateTime(“now”, new DateTimeZone(‘America/New York’)); echo $datetime ->format(‘m/d/Y, H:i:s’);
Timezone for Plugin
The database is correct in this case. comment_date is the datetime of your WordPress timezone setting and comment_date_gmt is the same datetime, but converted to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). GMT is the timezone all other timezones are offset from while UTC is the time standard. In most practical applications they’re interchangeable. The problem you’re probably … Read more