What is the relationship between PyTorch and Torch?

Here a short comparison on pytorch and torch. Torch: A Tensor library like numpy, unlike numpy it has strong GPU support.Lua is a wrapper for Torch (Yes! you need to have a good understanding of Lua), and for that you will need LuaRocks package manager. PyTorch: No need for the LuaRocks package manager, no need … Read more

What does “unsqueeze” do in Pytorch?

If you look at the shape of the array before and after, you see that before it was (4,) and after it is (1, 4) (when second parameter is 0) and (4, 1) (when second parameter is 1). So a 1 was inserted in the shape of the array at axis 0 or 1, depending on the value of the second parameter. That is opposite of np.squeeze() (nomenclature borrowed from … Read more