Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 [duplicate]

The issue is because of Java version mismatch. Referring to the JVM specification the following are the major versions of classfiles for use with different versions of Java. (As of now, all versions support all previous versions.) Java SE version Major version 1.0.2 45 1.1 45 (Not a typo, same version) 1.2 46 1.3 47 1.4 48 … Read more

How to find which version of TensorFlow is installed in my system?

This depends on how you installed TensorFlow. I am going to use the same headings used by TensorFlow’s installation instructions to structure this answer. Pip installation Run: Note that python is symlinked to /usr/bin/python3 in some Linux distributions, so use python instead of python3 in these cases. pip list | grep tensorflow for Python 2 … Read more

How do I check what version of Python is running my script?

This information is available in the sys.version string in the sys module: Human readable: For further processing, use sys.version_info or sys.hexversion: To ensure a script runs with a minimal version requirement of the Python interpreter add this to your code: This compares major and minor version information. Add micro (=0, 1, etc) and even releaselevel … Read more