Disable caching when serving static files with Nginx (for development)

Since the answer is somehow hidden in the question – here is the solution for nginx in a VirtualBox environment as standalone answer. In your nginx config (usally /etc/nginx/nginx.conf) or vhost config file change the sendfile parameter to off: sendfile off; While sendfile is at the heart of Nginx’s fame (blazing-fast low-level static file serving … Read more

VirtualBox: How to set up networking so both host and guest can access internet and talk to each other

Try this: Setup the virtualbox to use 2 adapters: The first adapter is set to NAT (that will give you the internet connection). The second adapter is set to host only. Start the virtual machine and assign a static IP for the second adapter in Ubuntu (for instance The host Windows will have … Read more

Start VirtualBox and VM in windows boot

I have an example of how to autostart a VirtualBox VM during Windows startup. I’m running Windows 10, but it shouldn’t be much different on Windows Server 2016. The startup folder on my system is: C:\Users\chriwill\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup In that folder I placed a batch file kubuntu.bat with following content: In my example the VM is … Read more