Permalinks not working with Vagrant

I solved the problem myself. In the default apache configuration, under /etc/apache2/sites-enabled, where mine is called 15-default.conf This was declared under the document root: <Directory “/var/www”> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> I had to change AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All. Thus you’ll get the following: <Directory “/var/www”> Options … Read more

xdebug connects but won’t break in WordPress with vvv

In my case it turned out to be a path mapping issue. Adding… “pathMappings” : { “/srv/www” : “C:\\Users\\tmorgan\\websites\\local\\www” } …fixed it for me. In other words, explicitly specifying how the server path related to my local file path was necessary. I did not think this was the case because xdebug was connecting to my … Read more

docker on windows 10 with VVV [closed]

It is not possible to use Docker Desktop for Windows with Vagrants due to Docker’s use of Hyper-V. Docker Toolbox can be used but it is a legacy version and getting localhost to work is a pain. Instead, we set up Mint on an old laptop and installed Docker CE and it works great.