Request initiator chain contains old CDN

It’s possible the script is coming from the database. If you have access to WP CLI, you can use the db search command to search for occurrences in the database, and then the search-replace command to update the occurrences. You’ll likely also want to consider searching for https://https://, as that appears to be occurring in … Read more

Busting Browser Cache when updating stylesheet of WordPress website

If you are editing the child theme CSS then this line has nothing to do with that: wp_enqueue_style( ‘parent-style’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’, [], THEME_VERSION, ‘all’); get_template_directory_uri always refers to the parent theme, get_stylesheet_directory_uri always refers to the active theme, in this case the child theme. Likewise these lines refer to the currently active theme, aka … Read more

Does WP REST API cache internally executed (rest_do_request) requests?

Does WP REST API cache internally executed requests? No it does not, not out of the box. CDNs and caching plugins can and do interfere however, especially for unauthenticated REST requests. As an example to demonstrate this with hard results and test my own conclusion I added a random number generator to my site: … Read more