Problem with wp_editor

The wp_editor echos the editor including a textarea. So just replace the textarea with <?php wp_editor($content, $id, $args); ?> and set the arguments as you want them to be.

Wp_editor bug with foreach()?

I am unable to duplicate your problem. add_action( ‘admin_menu’, function () { add_menu_page( ‘Multiple Editor Test’, ‘Multiple Editor Test’, ‘edit_posts’, ‘multiple-editor-test’, function () { foreach ( [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’ ] as $i ) { wp_editor( ”, ‘multiple_editor_test_’ . $i, [ ‘textarea_name’ => ‘multiple_editor_test_’ . $i, ‘textarea_rows’ => 2 ] ); } } ); } ); … Read more

Inline Editing with wp_editor and tinymce (problem with textarea)

I am still experiencing with this, but here is how I got rid of the unwanted text area: if ( !is_admin() ) { //you might decide to change this conditional statement. //I found the filter in /wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php @249 add_filter(‘the_editor’, ‘my_remove_editor_te’); function my_remove_editor_te(){ $editor=””; return $editor; // or simply return; } } Here is how I … Read more

ThinkTanking for design [closed]

WordPress stores content data as text, which is considered either valid HTML or kind of “weak” HTML (without paragraphs markup, which are added by WP in processing). There are third party alternatives (such as Markdown) and embedded options (such as latex), but in principle it is HTML. The presentational side of HTML can be changed … Read more