Inline Editing with wp_editor and tinymce (problem with textarea)

I am still experiencing with this, but here is how I got rid of the unwanted text area:

if ( !is_admin() ) { //you might decide to change this conditional statement.

    //I found the filter in /wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php @249
    add_filter('the_editor', 'my_remove_editor_te');
    function my_remove_editor_te(){
        return $editor;

        // or simply return;


Here is how I have initiated my editor:

wp_editor( '', '', array(
    'textarea_rows' => '',
    'quicktags'     => false,
    'media_buttons' => false,
    'tinymce'       => array(
        'selector'         => '#comment-editable',
        'content_css'      => false,
        'inline'           => true,
) );

You also need a div with an ID of #comment-editable or just set the selector option to your container DIV’s ID or class.

I am not quite sure about the filter that removes the text area, since it’s a general filter it’s going to remove the text areas for the wp_editor as long as it’s not the admin panel, you may run into problem, if so change the conditions under which that filter is initialized.

If you have other ideas share please.