How to download Xcode DMG or XIP file?

You can find the DMGs or XIPs for Xcode and other development tools on (requires Apple ID to login). You must login to have a valid session before downloading anything below. *(Newest on top. For each minor version (6.3, 5.1, etc.) only the latest revision is kept in the list.) Xcode 13 13.2.1 13.1 … Read more

Failed to launch macOS app built in Xcode

10 I’ve built an App in Xcode in release mode. Is signed with valid Developer ID certificate. And the app launches fine on some MacBooks. But on another launch fails with error The application %name% can’t be opened. Then I try to launch it from terminal with open command it says LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error … Read more

Failed to create provisioning profile

Check the schemes menu at the top of the Xcode project window. Look at the destination you’re trying to run in. If you run in the simulator, you don’t need to sign your project. If you run in a device, you need to attach the actual device. It must not say “generic device”.

Could not insert new outlet connection: Could not find any information for the class named

Here are some things that can fix this (in increasing order of difficulty): Clean the project (Product > Clean) Manually paste in @IBOutlet weak var viewName: UIView! // or @IBAction func viewTapped(_ sender: Any) { } and control drag to it. (Change type as needed.) Also see this. Completely close Xcode and restart your project. … Read more

Code signing is required for product type ‘Application’ in SDK ‘iOS 10.0’ – StickerPackExtension requires a development team error

I am facing the below issue and am unable to build the application. XXX has conflicting provisioning settings. XXX is automatically provisioned, but provisioning profile WildCard has been manually specified. Set the provisioning profile value to “Automatic” in the build settings editor, or switch to manual provisioning in the target editor. Code signing is required … Read more

Xcode 11.1: iostream’ file not found

I’m compiling from the command line, and none of the answers listed here (or elsewhere) worked for me. What does seem to work (so far) is to add the following to .profile or whatever script your terminal uses to start up: (zsh, csh, bash, etc.) You will probably have to change MacOSX10.15.sdk whenever you upgrade … Read more

ld: warning: directory not found for option’

You need to do this: Click on your project (targets) Click on Build Settings if your error includes the -L flag, then delete the values in Library Search Paths if your error includes the -F flag, then delete the values in Framework Search Paths And regarding the second error, sorry i can’t help you out with that one. Hope someone else can help you … Read more