TinyMCE Anchor Button not showing

I had the exact same problem and found the solution to this.

The problem is that the anchor plugin for TinyMCE is not being included as part of the default WordPress install. So while WordPress says to include:

$buttons[] = 'anchor';

…that’s not going to work because the TinyMCE plugin for anchors isn’t there.

If you go to TinyMCE’s website, you can download the full package directly. Once you have it, you’ll want to move /js/tinymce/plugins/anchor/ into your WordPress install at /wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/.

Basically, you want to have /wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/anchor/ in your install.

Once that’s available, you need to add a function that tells TinyMCE to look for that plugin (either in your theme’s functions.php or added to a plugin):

function my_mce_external_plugins($plugins) {

    $plugins['anchor'] = '/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/anchor/plugin.min.js';
    return $plugins;
add_filter('mce_external_plugins', 'my_mce_external_plugins');

And now it will be available for the button to be added to the visual editor:

function extra_editor_buttons($buttons) {
    $buttons[] = 'anchor';
    $buttons[] = 'superscript';
    $buttons[] = 'subscript';
    return $buttons;
add_filter("mce_buttons_2", "extra_editor_buttons");

Et voilà:

Wordpress Visual Editor, Now With Anchor Button

This solution was inspired by this related question which was about the code button in TinyMCE, but had the exact same solution (the plugin was missing). Both anchor and code plugins are missing and there is an open bug to add the files, so maybe this won’t be an issue in future versions.

Hopefully this can help someone else as well!

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