Use JsonReader.setLenient(true) to accept malformed JSON at line 1 column 1 path $

This is a well-known issue and based on this answer you could add setLenient: Now, if you add this to your retrofit, it gives you another error: This is another well-known error you can find answer here (this error means that your server response is not well-formatted); So change server response to return something: For better comprehension, compare your response with Github … Read more

“Gradle Version 2.10 is required.” Error

You need to change File > Settings > Builds,Execution,Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle >Gradle home path On Mac OS, change the path in Android Studio > Preferences > Builds,Execution,Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle >Gradle home Or set Use default gradle wrapper and edit Project\gradle\wrapper\ files field distributionUrl like this

What is Activity.finish() method doing exactly?

When calling finish() on an activity, the method onDestroy() is executed. This method can do things like: Dismiss any dialogs the activity was managing. Close any cursors the activity was managing. Close any open search dialog Also, onDestroy() isn’t a destructor. It doesn’t actually destroy the object. It’s just a method that’s called based on a certain state. So your instance … Read more