Why doesn’t my site autosave?

You are looking for the reference of auto-save in wordpress.com. I think you can have a look to your wp-config.php to see if you have a define about the auto-save interval. When editing a post, WordPress uses Ajax to auto-save revisions to the post as you edit. You may want to increase this setting for … Read more

Custom post edit with button to save post and start creating new

I know this is kinda stupid solution, but 2s timeout is acceptable solution add_meta_box(“addanotheritem”, ‘Add another’, ‘addanother_metabox’, ‘custompost’, ‘side’, ‘high’); function addanother_metabox() { ?> <script type=”text/javascript”> function saveAndGo() { jQuery(‘button.editor-post-publish-button__button’).click(); setTimeout(function() { window.location=’./post-new.php?post_type=custompost’; }, 2000); return false; } </script> <button onclick=’javascript:saveAndGo();’>save & add another</button> <?php }

Trigger save as draft when uploaded image

Is it the page refresh that’s causing the issue, or do you simply want to save the post before it refreshes? If the later then It’s simple enough with js to check if a condition has changed (ie a button click) in the dom and then: jQuery(“input#save-post”).click().prop(‘disabled’, true); This will of course trigger a full … Read more