Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required (Unable to find vcvarsall.bat)

Your path only lists Visual Studio 11 and 12, it wants 14, which is Visual Studio 2015. If you install that, and remember to tick the box for Languages->C++ then it should work. On my Python 3.5 install, the error message was a little more useful, and included the URL to get it from Edit: New working link Edit: … Read more

Linker Error C++ “undefined reference ” [duplicate]

Your header file Hash.h declares “what class hash should look like”, but not its implementation, which is (presumably) in some other source file we’ll call Hash.cpp. By including the header in your main file, the compiler is informed of the description of class Hash when compiling the file, but not how class Hash actually works. When the linker tries to create the entire program, … Read more

How many spaces for tab character(\t)?

A tab character should advance to the next tab stop. Historically tab stops were every 8th character, although smaller values are in common use today and most editors can be configured. I would expect your output to look like the following: The algorithm is to start a column count at zero, then increment it for … Read more

What is a segmentation fault?

Segmentation fault is a specific kind of error caused by accessing memory that “does not belong to you.” It’s a helper mechanism that keeps you from corrupting the memory and introducing hard-to-debug memory bugs. Whenever you get a segfault you know you are doing something wrong with memory – accessing a variable that has already … Read more