Embedding a custom live chat (gen. from Salesforce) into my WordPress header
Embedding a custom live chat (gen. from Salesforce) into my WordPress header
Embedding a custom live chat (gen. from Salesforce) into my WordPress header
Seems like you need to put this in your header within your <head> tags before your opening <body> tag. Put the following into your theme’s function.php file: function wpse_285611_pinterest_rich_pins() { //change 123 to the ID of the post OR //change 123 to the slug or title of the post if ( is_single(123) ) { echo … Read more
Don’t know if this is your only issue, but you’re using the_title() to build your URI. This ECHOS the title, which is not what you want. Instead, you should be using get_the_title(). I’d also urlencode the title, as Jan suggested. Your best bet is to print out the YouTube URI after you build it, then … Read more
First of all you should use the standard pre and code elements instead of blockquotes. But if have too many to change them, there might be a workaround. If you only use blockquotes for code, then you can use a bit of jQuery to convert those to pre tags, but make sure to do that … Read more
In the end we disabled all plugins, then turned them on again, and miraculously – the problem disappeared 🙂
The ‘save_post’ action was added to core in 2.0, and has always been an action. Looking through the current autosave procedures, it doesn’t appear to call the ‘save_post’ action directly at any time. So the short answer is, no. There is no reason, and has never been any reason, to return any value on this … Read more
Your problem is that you are using relative URLs– that is URLs, that include only part of the web address. What is taking on your URL is the browser, not WordPress. Browsers have long done this. Here is how it is supposed to work. If you provide an absolute URL nothing happens– for example, http://www.example.com. … Read more
You can do this by adding a function like below in your functions.php file: function my_cancellation_policy () { return ‘Your text here’; } Then you can print this way: echo my_cancellation_policy (); If you are about to put html code in there make sure you don’t mess up with the single and double quotes.
Option 1 Create a custom template for your landing page: /** * Template Name: My landing page * */ and add the code manually as you would add to a static site. Option 2 Create a custom field for your code on the landing page and output the meta content in the template created above. … Read more
You need a second for loop that will output the stop function for all the players except the current one, like this: <?php $posts = get_posts(array( ‘numberposts’ => 3, ‘post_type’ => ‘any’ )); $number_of_posts_returned = count($posts); //because it can be less than the ones we wanted if ($posts): $i = 1; ?> <?php foreach ($posts … Read more