Disable gzip on WordPress

Check .htaccess on /home/ and /homr/public_html/ (For example of site root), Probably there are some codes there to add gzip to the web server a web server can enable the gzip as default check php.ini file for zlib.output_compression value, It should be off

Compress WordPress core files ( JS and CSS )

Minifying the CSS and JavaScript files is totally optional. The most important result is that your files are going to take less space, and be served more quickly. This will result in saving bandwidth, if you have a limited plan. These files will be executed in the client, so the more optimized they are, the … Read more

How to Compress PHP output in my plugin?

To answer your question, yes, it is that easy to enable compression. However, that’s only a small step when configuring a site for performance. You should not attempt to handle compression from your plugin, unless the entire purpose of the plugin is load time optimization. Leave that to dedicated plugins, such as the WP Super-Cache … Read more