mysqldump to a tar.gz

mysqldump –opt <database> | gzip -c | ssh user@wherever ‘cat > /tmp/yourfile.sql.gz’ You can’t use tar in a pipe like this, and you don’t need it anyway, as you’re only outputting a single file. tar is only useful if you have multiple files.

JavaScript implementation of Gzip

Edit There appears to be a better LZW solution that handles Unicode strings correctly at (Thanks to pieroxy in the comments). I don’t know of any gzip implementations, but the jsolait library (the site seems to have gone away) has functions for LZW compression/decompression. The code is covered under the LGPL.

How to ‘minify’ Javascript code

DIY Minification No minifier can compress properly a bad code. In this example i just wanna show how much a minifier does. What you should do before you minify And regarding jQuery… i don’t use jQuery.jQuery is for old browsers,it was made for compatibility reasons .. check, almost everything works on every browser (also … Read more

What is gZip compression?

GZip is a form of data compression — i.e. it takes a chunk of data and makes it smaller. The original data can be restored by un-zipping the compressed file. It is relevant to web apps and websites because the HTTP protocol includes the ability to gzip data that is being sent. This means that, … Read more