Insert functions-defined constant into get_tags code

I think this is what you are going for: $html .= “<a href=”{$tag_link}” title=”{$tag->name} {$xyz_city}” class=”{$tag->slug}”>”; The {$tag->name} part is a way to insert a function or variable into a “double quoted” string definition. In the case of {$tag->name} it needs the {curly braces} to get the whole object->method thing to work. You can usually … Read more

Can’t Access Constant from within Included File

The Problem here is that the Template Files get processed before the wp_footer action, so your constant is not defined at that stage. Just to be sure, try hooking your constructor of the class to an action that is called earlier, I don’t really know how early you need it, but try init. You could … Read more

Checking for existence of constants before defining them

These are not PHP global variables, they are constants that cannot be modified(hence the name). Trying to redefine them, using a define() will trigger a notice since they are already defined(and consequently keep the initial value assigned). To stay away from notices, you should check if they have been defined() before. Example: define(‘VARIABLE’, ‘hello’); define(‘VARIABLE’, … Read more

difference of each codes for wordpress

First, check how define works on PHP. It defines a named constant, /admin is just a folder, in this case, it’s a folder that you have creatied to save JS files that are admin-related, that folder is located on name_THEME_ASSETS_URI which you previously defined as well as: name_THEME_ASSETS_URI . ‘/js’, so /admin is a folder … Read more

ABSPATH in Windows

Windows does support both styles of slashes in path. I am not sure if ABSPATH definition is safe to edit: pro it’s in wp-config.php con it’s says to not edit following above it Myself I just use it as is, or replace slashes to make them uniform when putting path together. If that doesn’t work … Read more

How to use defined in class file with namespace

From the PHP manual on defining namespaces: Namespaces are declared using the namespace keyword. A file containing a namespace must declare the namespace at the top of the file before any other code – with one exception: the declare keyword. To fix the issue, simply make sure that your namespace declaration comes before the other … Read more