Updating Custom Posts via CSV Import

<?php class CsvReader{ var $fields; /** columns names retrieved after parsing */ var $separator=”;”; /** separator used to explode each line */ var $enclosure=”””; /** enclosure used to decorate each field */ var $max_row_size = 4096; /** maximum row size to be used for decoding */ function parse_file($p_Filepath) { $file = fopen($p_Filepath, ‘r’); $this->fields = … Read more

WordPress.com Stats stats_get_csv with custom field?

Return of that function should have post ID, right? Then it’s straight get_post_meta() using that ID and name of your field. Update In your second code snippet $post is global variable, $post->ID is not tied in any way with return of stats_get_csv() function. You need something like from first example ($p[‘post_permalink’]), just figure out if … Read more

What does the “More Columns than Column Names” error mean?

I’m trying to read in a .csv file from the IRS and it doesn’t appear to be formatted in any weird way. I’m using the read.table() function, which I have used several times in the past but it isn’t working this time; instead, I get this error: Why is it doing this? For reference, the … Read more

Categories csv

How to parse tsv file with python?

Just use the csv module. It knows about all the possible corner cases in CSV files like new lines in quoted fields. And it can delimit on tabs. will correctly output:

python csv2libsvm.py: AttributeError: ‘_csv.reader’ object has no attribute ‘next’

I want to convert a csv file into sparse format file with csv2libsvm.py (https://github.com/zygmuntz/phraug/blob/master/csv2libsvm.py). The CSV file contains 37 attributes + the label (last column). it doesn’t contain header or index. Exp of the 1st row: 63651000000.0,63651000000.0,153.1,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,1,0,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 When entring the following command line : python csv2libsvm.py Z.csv data.txt 38 1 I got the following error: … Read more