Multiple commands in Docker CMD directive

I believe the difference might be because the second command does shell processing while the first does not. Per the official documentation, there are the exec and shell forms. Your first command is an exec form. The exec form does not expand environment variables while the shell form does. It is possible that by using … Read more

How can I debug a docker container initialization?

Docker events command may help and Docker logs command can fetch logs even after the image failed to start. First start docker events in the background to see whats going on. docker events& Then run your failing docker run … command. Then you should see something like the following on screen: 2015-12-22T15:13:05.503402713+02:00 xxxxxxxacd8ca86df9eac5fd5466884c0b42a06293ccff0b5101b5987f5da07d: (from xxx/xxx:latest) … Read more

How can I override CMD when running a docker image?

You could just enter via docker run -it –entrypoint=/bin/bash $IMAGE -i (you ‘ll launch a new container from the image and get a bash shell in interactive mode), then run the entrypoint command in that container. You can then inspect the running container in the state it should be running. EDIT: Since Docker 1.3 you … Read more