How and where are the provisioning script set up in WordPress?

Is there a native provisioning system set up already? No. I am thinking there might be some shell script, native scripts and provisioning scripts that didn’t run There are none, you have to create those yourself. I noticed the database wasn’t provisioned yet (meaning the tables weren’t created and the tables weren’t populated) WordPress won’t … Read more

docker on windows 10 with VVV [closed]

It is not possible to use Docker Desktop for Windows with Vagrants due to Docker’s use of Hyper-V. Docker Toolbox can be used but it is a legacy version and getting localhost to work is a pain. Instead, we set up Mint on an old laptop and installed Docker CE and it works great.

Database access using docker

There are ever-so-many ways to access the database. ddev describe will open your eyes to them. As @Andy Mardell points out, you can use the built-in PHPMyAdmin (link in ddev describe) You can also use a mysql client on the host, the port and such for this are also shown in ddev describe You can … Read more

Using docker with wordpress, how to handle backups correctly?

There is really only two things you need to back up. The database, and the site data. The database is all your users, posts, categories, tags, etc. The site data includes your themes, plugins, uploaded media, etc. To backup the database, just dump the data with mysqldump. mysqldump -u {username} -p{password} wordpress > database_dump.sql If … Read more