Embed phpBB within WordPress?

There’s no real embedding of another software into wordpress. If you want to visually embed it, then you’d have to take a look if and how phpBB uses templates and then add the same nav to the phpBB templates. The look and feel can be done via css. You’ll have to a) add the same … Read more

How to search a wordpress plugin’s support forum? [closed]

There is currently no way to search within a specific plugin’s support threads only and due to the complexity of WordPress’s existing network, this is not likely to be addressed any time soon. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/how-to-search-these-forums/ However, one can search among a particular plugin’s forum {topics} using a similar method to what @Milo posted above in the … Read more

Forum plugin with private forum option

Simple:Press Can limit forums to no access, read only, limited, standard, full, moderator It’s decently simple, I’ve been using it a bit for my personal blog. I didn’t have too hard of a time integrating it. Lots of features available, with pretty fine grained ability to turn things on and off Also, as information, bbPress … Read more

Integrate a forum into wordpress site

Use bbPress. It has a fully-built backend, and allows you to assign specific users to moderate the forum, and not access the rest of the website. It’s the quickest, easiest, and probably most secure solution.