Building Gravatar Code

If you look at the Gravatar API you will see that you can call a user specific and specify a default so here a built proof way to get the the image url in your code. $email = $comment->comment_author_email; $size = 60; $rating = get_option(‘avatar_rating’); $default = urlencode( ‘” . $size ); $grav_url = “’. … Read more

How to change the gravatar image from front end?

They can change the image in their Gravatar account. Or set a default from the backend which isn’t what you asked originally add_filter( ‘avatar_defaults’ , ‘default_avatar’ ); function default_avatar( $avatar_defaults ){ $new_avatar = get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/images/default-gravatar.png’; $avatar_defaults[$new_avatar] = “Gravatar”; return $avatar_defaults; } Source Replace default avatar

Gravatar always shows default image

I worked out I needed to add quotes around the parameter. echo get_avatar(get_the_author_meta(‘user_email’), ’70’, “‘” . get_bloginfo(‘template_directory’).”/images/default.png'”);

Gravatar Size Via Theme Functions?

Quite simple, actually: wp_list_comments( ‘avatar_size=80′ ); Just change avatar_size=80 to whatever is appropriate. Here’s a bit more information on customizing Gravatars in WordPress.

Fetching Gravatar

You can use get_avatar. The following example prints an avatar in 96 px, assuming that you have the user id stored in $user_id, and prints a fallback user.png if no such user or image could be found. echo get_avatar($user_id, 96, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/images/user.png’);

Which core file is responsible for gravatars?

I still think Rarst’s answer is better and that there is no need to remove Gravatar links in the core WordPress files, but … The files you are looking for are: /wp-admin/credits.php /wp-admin/options-discussion.php /wp-content/plugins/akismet/akismet.js /wp-includes/pluggable.php /wp-includes/post-template.php Since you may need to do this every time WordPress updates, you could search the WordPress files for the … Read more