Turning a WP Site Into an iPhone/iPad App [closed]

The best way to do this would be to use CSS3 media quires: @media (max-device-width: 480px) but requires more work. The quick and dirty way to make your WordPress theme app-like would be to add the viewport meta tag to the <head> of your page: <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1″> Viewport scales you page to … Read more

If hacker looked into all php file, can he make a harm to me?

YES and NO. The code itself is mostly meaningless unless your proprietary code has huge exploits that are easy to find. Anything that is not proprietary – themes, plugins and wordpress core, the hacker already has an access to and will not gain any more insight into possible exploits in it by looking into your … Read more

Hide submenu wordpress?

If you deal with wp menus you shoudl use admin_menu filter. add_filter(‘admin_menu’, ‘admin_menu_filter’,500); function admin_menu_filter(){ remove_submenu_page( ‘themes.php’, ‘widgets.php’ );//widget remove_submenu_page( ‘themes.php’, ‘theme-editor.php’); //editor remove_submenu_page( ‘themes.php’, ‘theme_options’ ); //theme-option } add_action(‘admin_print_styles-themes.php’, ‘hide_customize’); function hide_customize(){ echo ‘<style>#customize-current-theme-link{display:none;}</style>’; } you can place it to your plugin or functions.php in your theme.

Explanation of this hacked code

There are 3 main ‘functions’ of this code. The two lines check that pingnow and pass are defined and that pass is the correct value. pingnow is used later to switch between ‘functions’. The first is run if the pingnow GET variable is login. It logs in the requesting user as the ‘admin’ user. This … Read more