Heartbeat API NOT disabling

Am I correct in my thinking that this file is only ever fired if someone is actually logged into the control panel and not under any other circumstances such as someone just visiting the site? No, Ajax API is used for arbitrary requests, including those for the front–end and non–authenticated users. Am I correct in … Read more

How can check if heartbeat is disabled?

The heartbeat API is essentially a script that is included in your site’s head. It performs calls back to the server. So, to disable the heartbeat the script must not be enqueued. And you can check whether a script is enqueued with wp_script_is. Like this: if (wp_script_is (‘heartbeat’)) …

Heartbeat API long polling

The Hearbeat API works by periodically sending an XHR request to the server, with hooks available for WordPress/plug-ins/themes to attach data to be returned to the client. Once the data is returned, a new beat is scheduled. The speed (or ‘pulse’) of the heartbeat may be tempered, either server-side or client side in reaction to … Read more