how build custom json api controller for all registered users
how build custom json api controller for all registered users
how build custom json api controller for all registered users
This is a WordPress setting you can change. Login to the WP admin panel, click Settings > Reading, change “Syndication feed show the most recent” from the default 10 items to something higher, and click Save. If you don’t see the change immediately, try clearing the recent cache in your browser, or open the link … Read more
Output JSON and no theme
There are a number of action hooks for Post Status Transitions. They each receive the $post object as an argument. You could use these to trigger a function that writes your file to disk using fopen. Edit: if you’re writing CSV, PHP has a function specifically for that: fputcsv (fopen still required)
Remove the filter wptexturize, which is what’s causing your encoding issue: remove_filter( ‘the_title’, ‘wptexturize’ ); while ( $loop->have_posts() ) { // Your code }
I think you could use WP-REST-API-Filter-Items plugin. With the plugin you can define a list of fields you want and you do not have to fiddle with WordPress or PHP
You can (and you should) always filter the output of WP_REST_API. add_filter(‘json_prepare_post’, ‘change_this_into_a_proper_function_name’, 999); function change_this_into_a_proper_function_name($post){ // hack and slash into your $post here. This is a regular WP_Post // add custom fields and tax terms you might need, remove what // you don’t want to expose to app or are never going to need… … Read more
For the first question you could try with the following gist in the github For the second option you should create a form with two fields date and distance and on the change event of those two fields you should create ajax request. and bind the result to the data table. Hope this helps.
Have you tried setting post_type to see if that fixes it? I know documentation doesn’t say it’s required, but in the past I was only able to get it to work by passing the post type
this is the solution: ‘post_content’ => $product_data[‘note’] . ‘<br>’. $product_data[‘note2′], this concatenates strings ‘note’ and ‘note2’. Thanks for the hints.