How can I hide/show text only for mobile users?

I guess that you can set the class for the paragraph and set it’s display to none only on mobile view. Such as, @media screen and (max-width:479px){ .nameofclasswhichtheparagraphhas {display:none;} } And add a button below it but set it’s display to none for Laptop users. Such as, @media screen and (max-width:768px){ .theclassofthebuton {display:none;} } and … Read more

Close Mobile Slide Menu on Click

I was able to find an answer to this provided by @malihu, author of the page to scroll id plugin – as @malihu noted, I was using a one-page menu for my theme, and the function of click to scroll isn’t tied to a page. This code ties the menu action to the scroll and … Read more

create a button in the header of the mobile menu in the middle of the logo and the menu accordion

It looks like the following code, the z-index works differently on mobile: #masthead:not(.menu-absolute){ z-index: 2000; position: relative; } I’d suggest you put the HTML for that button in the same line as the logo and mobile menu then hide/show it when you need to. It would placed under this HTML <div id=”logo-container-mobile” class=”col-lg-0 logo-container middle”>

Dropdown menu not displaying in handheld slide menu effect

Turns out I am clearly a moron and forgot to clear my cache, the below code works perfectly add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘agentwp_dequeue_stylesandscripts’, 100 ); function agentwp_dequeue_stylesandscripts() { if ( class_exists( ‘woocommerce’ ) ) { wp_dequeue_style( ‘selectWoo’ ); wp_deregister_style( ‘selectWoo’ ); wp_dequeue_script( ‘selectWoo’); wp_deregister_script(‘selectWoo’); } }