Header and Footer options in pages and posts

You can do this by Using template page as well as custom fields. Let us say your custom fields value are 1 and 2 for header your conditions will be. if($header==1) { get_header(1); } else {get_header();} And similarly for footer it will be if($footer==1) { get_footer(1); } else { get_footer(); }

Create custom API endpoint to change custom header image

The header image falls under what WordPress calls theme modification values. To update that type of value, use the function set_theme_mod() function cs_set_logo($request) { set_theme_mod(‘header_image’, $request->get_param(‘new_header_image’)); return new WP_REST_Response(null, 200); } add_action(‘rest_api_init’, function() { register_rest_route(‘cs/v1’, ‘changelogo’, [ ‘methods’ => ‘POST’, ‘callback’ => ‘cs_set_logo’ ]) });

Image is very blurry

This is not a question specific to WP. Questions of these types will suit more on Stackoverflow. For your problem, add the following piece to your theme’s style.css a#directorytab img { width: 16%; } Let me know if it helped.

How to implement a custom sliding banner? [closed]

There are a lot of slider pluglins in wordpress repository such http://wordpress.org/plugins/slide-show-pro/, just follow the install steps. then use the shortcodes like [slideshowpro cats=2,3] or the code to integrate into php php echo do_shortcode(‘[slideshowpro cats=2,3]’); insert the code in header.php to show the slider on every single page or post

How to laod wp_enqueue_style to another header i created my self

WordPress features a very robust template hierarchy that should be observed, take a look at wphierarchy.com. If you needed two header formats for some reason, you could create a file in the theme root called header-manga.php which you could then call in your page template with <?php get_header( ‘manga’ ); ?>. Once you have your … Read more

Multiple Custom Headers

What you want to achieve is posible but not with WordPress custom-header feature because it’s you can use multiple images in random sequence. If you mean ‘different page templates’ you can simply hard code your images links in your templates, but this is not good solution. Another solution is to write function which will check … Read more