multi-language WordPress site
i set up my wordpress site as a wordpress multisite and then used “multisite language switcher” plugin… it is free and works great…
i set up my wordpress site as a wordpress multisite and then used “multisite language switcher” plugin… it is free and works great…
I have a solution if you are using WPML for the multi-language support, i have used this code before. Modified after your taxonomy. <?php //Get categories from current language //Uses WPML Multi-language $terms = get_terms(‘jw_portfolio_categories’,’hide_empty=1′ ); if ( !empty( $terms ) ) { $term_links = “”; foreach ( $terms as $term ) { if( $term->term_id … Read more
Will try to relate to this as a question, talking about the merits and such of the solutions. Quite limited, normally it would not change direction, however – you might add some javascript that will dynamically add the dir=”rtl” tags when appropriate You can do that, very high maintenance but might work best, depending on … Read more
I am vaguely aware that it has something to do with the way WordPress is initialized. I know WPLANG can’t be changed on the fly. It’s how PHP works: You can’t change an already defined constant. But there’re filters for that. The following plugin is a sketch that you could use and try to see … Read more
Set language from url?
You should have all your databases utf8_general_ci if you’re website uses other than just Latin characters. Can you have a look at your database tables? If you can then have a look at the wp_posts table and see if they are ???? or actual characters. Otherwise your posts are saved wrong in the DB which … Read more
Just as any regular string, you can use <?php esc_attr_e( ‘Your Search term here’, ‘your_theme_slug’ ); ?> So your code for the <input> would look like <input type=”search” class=”search-field” placeholder=”<?php esc_attr_e( ‘Your Search term here’, ‘your_theme_slug’ ); ?>” value=”<?php echo esc_attr( $search ); ?>” name=”s”> WPML, as well as WordPress, uses the PHP get_text() function. … Read more
This plugin did the job, for both posts and categories:
Hijack site url on sub domain for translation
You can not translated dynamic strings with he translation API, you can translate only static strings that you know in advance.