numpy/scipy/ipython:Failed to interpret file as a pickle

The numpy.load routine is for loading pickled .npy or .npz binary files, which can be created using and numpy.savez, respectively. Since you have text data, these are not the routines you want. You can load your comma-separated values with numpy.loadtxt. Full Example Here’s a complete example (using StringIO to simulate the file I/O). Now we have:

No handlers could be found for logger

For logging some message through logger, in Python at least one handler should be added to the logger object. By default the debug, warn and other functions in logging module will call basicConfig which in turn will add a StreamHandler to the root logger. It’s always recommended to add your required Handler to your logger … Read more

str.translate gives TypeError – Translate takes one argument (2 given), worked in Python 2

I have the following code I’ve tested lines 2-4 in a separate file when I wrote and the command prompt returns [‘the’,’the’,’the’], which is what I wanted (removing punctuation). However, when I put the exact same code in a different file, python returns a TypeError stating that json_list is a list of all the … Read more