WordPress is not loading resources

You probably have to set your Site Settings to https:// instead of http:// either through the admin screen, or the wp-config.php. Failing to do so will cause WordPress to output the resources as non-secure, and your browser will reject them.

bower proxy configuration

is there a way to configure bower not only to use a proxy but ignore the proxy configuration for some domains? I have the problem, that I will run an internal bower registry for our own developed components. For that repository I would like to ignore the proxy configuration.

Atom using System Proxy

If you simply modified .apmrc file, it would be reset every time when you reboot atom. See https://github.com/atom/apm#behind-a-firewall , you’ll find solution to this under the ‘Using a proxy?’ part. And then run cmd apm config set strict-ssl false apm config set https-proxy https://$Your_proxy P.S. Normally it’ll be fixed, but if a problem like SSL782 pops up, See … Read more